Audi Middle East

Audi Middle East Sets New Benchmark in Aftersales Excellence

Audi Middle East Sets New Benchmark in Aftersales Excellence

with Top Global Ranking Audi Middle East has achieved a remarkable milestone, securing the top spot in the Aftersales
Warranty & Technical Support Index (STLI) so far in 2024. This prestigious ranking, used by the
Volkswagen Group to assess the performance of their global aftersales importers, reflects Audi Middle
East’s unwavering commitment to excellence in customer service and technical support.
Understanding the STLI
The STLI is a comprehensive index that monitors and evaluates the performance of over 50 importers
worldwide, encompassing major markets such as Spain, Germany, Italy, the USA, Japan, the UK, and
more. This rigorous assessment involves 17 technical and warranty-related criteria, including field
monitoring, product support qualifications, technical query response times, and claim management
efficiency. Achieving a high ranking in the STLI requires importers to excel in these areas,
demonstrating their dedication to providing top-tier aftersales service.
Climbing to the Top
Audi Middle East’s ascent to the number one position has been a journey of consistent improvement
and strategic focus. In February 2022, Audi Middle East ranked 16th, but by the end of the year, it had
climbed to 3rd place. This momentum continued through 2023, with the region securing 2nd place by
year-end. By May 2024, Audi Middle East proudly achieved the top position globally.
This success is no accident. It is the result of proactive measures to guide dealers across multiple
countries, each with unique challenges due to varying environmental conditions and government
regulations. Audi Middle East’s ability to navigate these complexities and maintain high standards
across the board has been instrumental in their rise to the top.
Key Strategies for Success
Audi Middle East has been diligent in ensuring that all dealers adhere to relevant KPIs. Using a
thorough approach and market ranking similar to the STLI, Audi Middle East ensures that regular
monitoring and guidance are crucial in maintaining consistent performance across the region. The
service systems also provide an additional level of accuracy for data collection, which analyses
customer complaints.
Employing factory-trained technicians and investing in continuous training have ensured that Audi
Middle East remains at the forefront of technical proficiency. This focus on expertise allows for precise
diagnostics and effective solutions, thereby enhancing customer satisfaction. By streamlining
processes and reducing the average time for claim entries and technical authorisations, Audi Middle
East has improved operational efficiency, resulting in faster resolutions for customers. Prioritising
customer needs and providing tailored support have strengthened customer trust and loyalty.
Initiatives such as real-time technical query responses and robust product support have set Audi
Middle East apart from competitors.
Moreover, the engagement of individual markets also plays a crucial role in this success. The
collaboration between Audi Middle East and the operational staff in workshops reflects the values that
drive such achievements.
Unique Challenges and Achievements
Operating in the Middle East presents unique challenges, with diverse environmental conditions and
regulatory requirements across different countries. Audi Middle East has excelled in this complex
landscape, demonstrating remarkable adaptability and resilience. This achievement underscores the
region’s ability to deliver consistent, high-quality aftersales service, irrespective of the challenges.
Looking Ahead

Maintaining the number one position in the STLI is both a significant achievement and a responsibility.
Audi Middle East is committed to sustaining this excellence by continuously innovating and improving
its aftersales services.
In conclusion, Audi Middle East’s top ranking in the Aftersales Warranty & Technical Support Index is
a testament to their dedication, strategic focus, and relentless pursuit of excellence. This
accomplishment not only highlights their superior aftersales performance but also reinforces their
reputation as a leader in the global automotive industry. As they continue to navigate the dynamic
landscape of the Middle East, Audi remains committed to delivering unparalleled service and support
to their valued customers.

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