Burj Khalifa

Burj Khalifa Lights Up as HUAWEI AppGallery and Yalla Ludo Push Mobile Gaming to New Heights

Burj Khalifa Lights Up as HUAWEI AppGallery and Yalla Ludo Push Mobile Gaming to New Heights

HUAWEI AppGallery celebrates its visionary partnership with Yalla Ludo in an epic lightshow on the iconic Burj Khalifa

HUAWEI AppGallery marks its successful partnership with Yalla Ludo, the region’s leading mobile

board game app for Ludo and Domino enthusiasts, with a spectacular lightshow on the iconic Burj

Khalifa. This celebration sets a new benchmark in mobile gaming and e-sports, highlighting their

shared commitment to innovation and excellence.

The lightshow underscores the dynamic collaboration between Yalla Ludo and HUAWEI AppGallery,

reflecting their dedication to providing engaging events and experiences for gaming enthusiasts in

the region. It further fosters a vibrant future for e-sports entertainment in the region and beyond.

Mr. William Hu, Managing Director of Huawei Consumer Business Group, Middle East and Africa Eco

Development and Operation, said “We are proud to celebrate our partnership with Yalla Ludo and are

excited about the future prospects it brings. Our teams’ dedication and hard work have made this

collaboration a success, showcased by the dazzling Burj Khalifa lightshow. This is just the beginning

of our exciting journey together, creating more thrilling E-sports events and gaming experiences for

everyone using Huawei devices and apps.”

Mr. Saifi Ismail, President of Yalla Group, added, “Our partnership with Huawei marks a significant

milestone in our mission to elevate the gaming experience for our users. The Burj Khalifa lightshow is

not just a celebration of our collaboration, but a symbol of the endless possibilities we aim to unlock

together. We are thrilled to bring innovative and engaging experiences to the e-sports and gaming

community in the Middle East and Africa, and look forward to a future filled with shared successes

and groundbreaking advancements.”

The recent Yalla Ludo and AppGallery Ludo Champion Offline Competition, held in Riyadh and

Baghdad, showcased the strong connection HUAWEI AppGallery has developed with the region’s

thriving gaming community. HUAWEI AppGallery remains committed to advancing the mobile gaming

industry by introducing new features for gamers, providing innovative tools for developers, and

organizing e-sports events. These efforts aim to foster mutually rewarding collaborations with both,

established and emerging developers.

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