بث جميع الجلسات الخاصة بكل من Cairo ICT و Pafix و TransMEA 2021 عبر صفحة Cairo ICT الرسمية على  "فيسبوك"

Cairo ICT & TransMEA Take Place for the second year as Hybrid Event, with the Support of Cisco

Cairo ICT & TransMEA Take Place for the second year as Hybrid Event, with the Support of Cisco

 The 25th edition of Cairo ICT is a true novelty: the event takes place for the first time in a hybrid format. As virtual platform sponsor, Cisco will support the live streaming of the conference which takes place in parallel to the physical and virtual exhibition hosted over Cisco Webex.

All Cairo ICT, Pafix and TransMEA 2021 sessions and discussions will be live streamed over CairoICT’s facebooklive page where you can attend different sessions upon your convenience. Cisco Webex platform offers all collaboration features required for effective participation of remote attendees through the most inclusive collaboration solution capabilities. Webex allows hosts to connect with their audiences on social media by easily sharing video and content without downloading or installing any plug-ins.

Ayman Elgohary Managing Director at Cisco Egypt, North Africa & Levant (NAL) says, “While COVID-19 has significantly impacted the way in which we conduct our businesses and go about our daily lives, we can see that the pandemic has most definitely accelerated technology adoption and shaped new digital habits. Alongside our strategic partners, we look forward to unveiling our newest innovations and showcasing the possibilities of hybrid work for organizations of all sizes.”

Digital innovations will be brought to life as Cisco demonstrates how customers can:

• Reimagine Their Applications: Today, services are delivered and consumed through applications. It’s how companies build relationships with their customers. IDC predicts that more than 500 million new applications will be developed over the next three years. There is an increased demand for new or enhanced applications with the ability to deploy anywhere, intelligently, while being able to have insight into the health of every application and every transaction. Cisco supports the fast and intelligent building and deployment of applications, enabling businesses to observe trends and anomalies and act in real-time.

• Secure Their Data: With cybersecurity becoming one of the most significant issue facing the region today, organizations can learn how to use Machine Learning to better collect and analyze variables – investigating, isolating, and managing bad actors.

• Transform Their Infrastructure: In today’s connected world, the network is the nervous system that allows everything to work together. And while it’s created limitless possibilities, it’s also introduced complexity. Today, there are 20 billion devices connected to the Internet. And by 2023, that number will jump to 29 billion, nearly 4 devices per person. Cisco will demonstrate the future of how intelligent networks can enable new possibilities for a sustainable, inclusive future.

• Power Hybrid Work: With more than 1,000 new innovations incorporated into Cisco’s collaboration solutions since the pandemic, visitors will learn more about how Cisco is using hologram and AI technologies to power innovative hybrid work.

Under the theme of ‘New Value Together’, visitors will be immersed in Cisco’s range of solutions, customer stories and concept initiatives designed to help customers connect, secure and automate to accelerate their digital agility in a cloud-first world.

It is worth noting that Cisco partners in Egypt are also participating at Cairo ICT 2021 like: System Engineering Egypt “SEE”, Raya and BMB and Connect Professional Systems.

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