ICT Minister emphasized that opening King Fouad Railway Station Post Office comes in light of the fruitful cooperation between MCIT and the Ministry of Transportation

ICT, Transport Ministers open King Fouad Station Post Office after finishing renovation and modernization of the historic King Fouad Railway Station in Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate and transforming it to a post office

The Minister of Communications and Information Technology Dr. Amr Talaat and the Minister of Transport Lieutenant General Engineer.

Kamel Al-Wazir, accompanied by the Governor of Kafr El-Sheikh Major General.

Gamal Nour El-Din, opened King Fouad Station Post Office in Mansheyat Fouad

district, Kafr El-Sheikh, in presence of members of the House of Representatives

and the Senate from the governorate, after finishing renovation and modernization of

the historic King Fouad Railway Station, widely known as the “Royal Station,” and

transforming it to a post office providing all types of governmental, postal, integrated

financial and digital Egypt services to citizens. They were received by Chairman of Egypt Post Dr. Sharif Farouk

The project is carried out under the framework of previously signed cooperation

protocol between the Ministry of Communications and Information

Technology (MCIT), represented by Egypt Post, and the Ministry of Transportation,

represented by MOT company for Investment and Development,

the investment arm of the Ministry of Transportation.


The protocol allows the usufruct of 13 sites owned by Egyptian National Railways Authority to provide postal services.

11 of them are located in railway stations in Giza, Benha, Damanhour, Sidi Bishr,

El Hamool, Suez, Assiut, Beni Suef, Sohag, Luxor, and Edfu,

in addition to the main postal traffic center in Ramses and the historic King Fouad station in Kafr El-Sheikh.

ICT Minister emphasized that opening King Fouad Railway Station Post Office comes in

light of the fruitful cooperation between MCIT and the Ministry of Transportation.


He explained that the office had been a railway station designated for King Fouad since the 1920s.

The two Ministries agreed to renovate the long-neglected station, inactive for decades,

restoring its heritage and unique architectural design,

transforming it to a modernized post office to serve the surrounding community.

Dr. Talaat pointed out that Egypt Post is revamping the post offices with unique

architectural design and historical value. It started with offices in Aswan, Minya, Fayoum, and Kafr El-Sheikh.

Dr. Amr Talaat said that opening the office is within the framework of MCIT strategy to

develop and increase the number of post offices, as they include fixed and mobile ones.


He further explained that over 85% of post offices were modernized,

and offices with unique architectural designs are renovated.

He added that the development plan not only covers architecture and design of post

offices but also includes digitizing all services and making Digital Egypt services

accessible, to deliver high-quality, modern and proven governance services to more than 40 million customers.

From his part, the Minister of Transport congratulated Kafr El-Sheikh citizens on the

opening of the King Fouad Railway Station Post Office, expected to provide high quality services.


He emphasized that the development, restoration and raising efficiency of King

Fouad Railway Station align with the Ministry’s comprehensive plan to enhance

railway stations nationwide, including those involved in the Decent

Life initiative in addition to renovating all historic stations.


Lieutenant General Engineer Al-Wazir highlighted that the maintenance and

renovation of the King Fouad train, is parallel to the development of the historic Montazah

station that has become a historical tourist attraction.

He added that as a gift from the government, represented by the Ministry of

Transportation, a plan is laid down to build shops, administrative buildings,

clinics and pharmacies in the station’s vicinity,

all featuring the same architectural design to serve Kafr El-Sheikh citizens.

Furthermore, the Minister of Transport added that opening King Fouad Station Post Office

comes within the implementation of the political leadership directives for state

bodies to coordinate and collaborate in building the new republic.


Aiming at raising efficiency of all state bodies and facilities, improving citizens’

quality of life and performing public services on highest level of quality.

This comes within the Ministry’s commitment to restoring historic stations

while preserving their heritage value and using them to yield positive returns for citizens

. These endeavors confirm the country’s dedication to build a modern society inspired by rich history.

The Governor of Kafr El-Sheikh Major General.

Gamal Nour El-Din welcomed ICT and Transport Ministers, praising their

continuous support for development and service projects to serve Kafr El-Sheikh citizens.



Adding that the visit builds on the ongoing development efforts, including opening the

King Fouad Railway Station Modernized Postal Services Center with six various

service counters to provide postal, financial, and governmental services.


He visited also Creativa Innovation Hub, works in Nagy Shatla street, Kafr El-Sheikh

railway station, construction sites of Sakha overpass and the 30 km-long Kafr El-Sheikh-Desouk dual carriageway.

Moreover, he explained that Creativa Innovation Hub is being established in

cooperation with MCIT, to provide an integrated service to youth in Kafr El-Sheikh,

through connecting technological skills for future

ICT professions with freelancing, innovation, and entrepreneurship skills.

Chairman of Egypt Post, Dr. Sharif Farouk said that Egypt Post is implementing a mega

development and restoration plan of historic and heritage post offices and premises to renovate them.


He pointed out that newly opened King Fouad Railway Station Post Office was

developed as part of the plan to preserve buildings of great historical value.

The Office was renovated, modernized, and restored using the latest sustainability

approaches while preserving its unique architectural character and Egyptian identity.


Dr. Farouk added that Egypt Post owns several historical buildings dating back over

100 years as the Postal Museum in Attaba. In addition to other renovated post offices as Cairo Main Post Office in Attaba,


Sheikhdom Post Office at Egypt Post premises,

Aswan Sub Post Office, El Shallal Post Office and Fares Post Office in Aswan.

These are historic offices developed to preserve their identity and create an ideal

work environment to achieve a unique customer experience.

It is worth mentioning that Kafr El-Sheikh has 162 post offices,

eight of them are within the Decent Life initiative.

So far, six post offices have been modernized, while two other alternative post

offices are being established. In addition to the existence

of Egypt Post in five governmental complexes in the governorate.

ICT Minister emphasized that opening King Fouad Railway Station Post Office comes in light of the fruitful cooperation between MCIT and the Ministry of Transportation

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