Keep Your Home Clean and Safe during the Corona Virus Outbreak


The corona virus disease or the COVID19 is the world’s trending topic. That’s because

there’s an outbreak and everyone, whether in Egypt or abroad, wants to know how to stay

safe during this corona virus outbreak.


COVID19 in Egypt

According to the latest data by, there are 126 corona virus cases in

Egypt, including 27 recoveries and two deaths.


Globally, there are 169,212 cases with nearly 6,500 deaths.



Egypt has closed schools and universities in an attempt to ward off against the infectious

virus, which means more people will be staying indoors.


In this article, we are going to discuss several important tips to keep you, your family,

home and office safe during the corona virus outbreak.


Types of Cleaning

While there are many ways you can clean your home, it’s important to remember that with the corona virus outbreak, it’s not just cleaning that you should be worried about; you should aim for deep cleaning.

When cleaning your home or office, there is basic cleaning, which involves:

  • Dusting off tables
  • Mopping floors
  • Wiping surfaces
  • Changing the sheet
  • Washing clothes

And other standard, almost daily chores.

And there is deep cleaning.

Deep cleaning, which is what is called for right now, is taking cleaning to a new level. This includes cleaning underneath and around home appliances and disinfecting and sanitizing all areas where you might find germs, areas often overlooked within your home, like the air conditioner’s ducts, crevices and corners, disinfecting doorknobs, handrails, keyboards, tables, light switches, desks, toilets, sinks, and even faucets.

In other words, deep cleaning is about disinfecting and sanitizing using chemicals so that there is no way for the corona virus to enter your house and harm you and your family.

According to a study released on 14 March 2020 by the University of California, the COVID-19 can ‘live’ for three days or 72 hours on hard surfaces like stainless steel and plastic and can survive for 24 hours on cardboard surfaces.

That’s why the United States’ Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommends daily deep cleaning.

Taking Deep Cleaning Further

As you can see, your cleaning list is getting longer. That’s why the FilKhedma team has created a quick checklist so you and your family can be safe during the corona virus outbreak.

This list involves cleaning and disinfecting:

  • Areas around kitchen appliances, like behind the microwave, dishwasher, and the oven, places where you can find grime.
  • Under the kitchen and bathroom sinks
  • Both sides of window frames and doors
  • Inside sections of the oven including the glass of the oven door and the grills within the oven itself
  • Washing blinds and curtains
  • Dusting all corners in rooms, whether on the ceiling or on the ground
  • Air conditioning units including filters and ducts (done by technicians)


Fighting off the Corona Virus Better

Using the above checklist will keep your home clean and safe. But there are important recommendations to consider before starting.

The reason we are focusing on the cleanliness of spaces within your home is because the corona virus is transferred through touch and the respiratory system; this includes touching an infected surface or being close to an infected person then touching your eye, nose, or mouth. The disease can be transferred through hugging, kissing, or simply shaking hands with an infected person, explains Daniel Kurizkes, an expert in infectious diseases at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.

This applies to touching infected items such as plates, cups, and any other surfaces.

Air Conditioning Units and Ducts

Cleaning out air conditioners is another important item on your checklist. while, there some basic elements most people can do at home, deep cleaning air conditioners is important during the corona virus outbreak as it is likely these ducts are filled with several months’ dust, germs, and particles that will require an expert to ensure they are cleaned out.

Don’t worry this is not something that you have to do daily.

Precautions Needed When Dealing with Cleaners and Technicians

While it is common to be familiar with different types and levels of cleaning, like washing and changing bed sheets or cleaning sofas and chairs, it is likely you will need cleaning experts to ensure that your home is germ-free.

Although these cleaners and technicians are experts in their fields, there are a number of precautions homeowners must take before allowing them into their home.

In the age of the corona virus, being extra cautious is a good thing for you and your family. That’s why, FilKhedma recommends:

  • Asking the cleaner or technician to wash their hands before handling anything in your home
  • Having a facemask ready and having a spare one for the technician or cleaner (if they don’t have one)
  • Prepare disposable hand gloves for the cleaner or technician if they don’t have one
  • Keep track of all the places the technician or cleaner has entered
  • Maintain a good distance of at least 1 meter between you and the technician or cleaner at all times
  • When dealing with technicians, it’s best to use a disinfectant in the area where the technician has been working and on the items they have handled.

Precautions for Dealing with Friends and Strangers

The team at FilKhedma also has a number of precautions and recommendations when dealing with friends or strangers:

  • Avoid shaking hands, hugging, and kissing
  • Use a tissue when opening or closing doors and windows
  • If you are in a public space or queue like in a supermarket, maintain a distance of at least 1 meter from the person in front of you.
  • Wear a face mask and keep a hand sanitizer with an alcohol level of at least 70% close by
  • If you will be handling papers, carrying boxes, or doing other work that requires taking different items from people, then wear a disposable pair of gloves while working

We understand that wearing a face mask or plastic gloves can be annoying sometimes, but in times of infectious diseases, like the corona virus, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Next Steps

To stay safe during the COVID19 outbreak, you need to follow the above list, which you can see has grown significantly. This means you are likely to need a helping hand.

FilKhedma offers a host of cleaning services, particularly deep cleaning or what we call Disinfectant Clean at FilKhedma. Our team of expert cleaners and technicians keep your home spotless and save you lots of headache and hard work.

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