Modern children and where to find them: 68% of Egyptian parents do not track their children’s location

Modern children and where to find them: 68% of Egyptian parents do not track their children’s location

Parents have always managed to set geographical

boundaries – where their children could go and where they

could not – back in time. Nowadays there is another

opportunity to monitor the child’s whereabouts – to track

the location of them using special software. Yet, according

to Kaspersky’s special survey for parents, not many parents

in Egypt realize this.

According to “Responsible Digital Parenting” survey , 68%

of Egyptian parents do not track the location of their child.

The reasons for this vary: 51% have never thought of

tracking the location, while 23% do not know how to do it

and 13% don’t have enough time for this. There is an

option to have the software, which lets parents locate their

children on a map and set a safe area for them to stay in,

installed on their children’s devices. However, 34% of

parents in Egypt claim they do not have it installed on any

of their devices.

«Modern times offer a wide range of tools which can help in

preventing accidents in real or digital life. It is crucial to

know how to use them, what their benefits are, and,

actually, use them. Tracking your child’s location can

definitely save you a lot of trouble – its advantages lie also

in the fact that it allows to control not only digital, but also

real life of the child» –¬¬¬ commented Andrey Sidenko,

Head of Child Safety at Kaspersky Network.

To secure and protect your child both in digital and in real

life, Kaspersky strongly recommends following this advice:

1. Learn more on the topic of children’s cybersecurity:

explore modern trends, apps, the way of behavior that has

to be adopted in order to safeguard against dangers (for

instance, the basic security rules while on the Internet);

update your network security knowledge periodically, use

Kaspersky blog to do this;

2. Communicate with your child and define the borders

which are not meant to cross: discuss with them safe

locations both real and webpages;

3. Install a reliable security solution such as Kaspersky Safe

Kids to monitor your child’s activity successfully.




















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