New Tool Can Turn 50 Hours of Thermowell Design Time Into 15 Minutes

Emerson’s Rosemount Thermowell Design Accelerator eliminates the largest pain point of temperature process design–manual thermowell iterations– significantly increasing operational efficiencies and cost savings
Emerson introduced the Rosemount™ Thermowell Design Accelerator, a free
online thermowell design toolthat eliminates manual thermowell iterations facing process
design engineers when sizing thermowells. It is easy to use and intuitively guides users
through complex projects, saving hours of wasted labor and resources. Users will be able to
automatically iterate up to 1,000 thermowell tags with a single click–all optimized for their process conditions.
On average,engineerscan spend 50 hours doing thermowell calculations for a single
project.Nearly 20 variables related to process conditions and thermowell dimensions are
used to find a safe and efficient solution. Temperature points often need to be recalculated
three to four times using traditional trial-and-error methods before passing global
standards for safe operation outlined by The American Society of Mechanical
Engineers(ASME). Using the Thermowell Design Accelerator,engineers can reduce design ideation time to just 15 minutes.
The software usesASME PTC-19.3 TW (2016)criteria and has built-in quality checks to
confirm safe thermowell results that protect processes and the people that operate them.
As the tool automatically iterates thermowell dimensional changes for safe use, it also
tracks calculation history. Engineers get a breakdownfor each thermowell iteration and the
corresponding physical dimensional change to the thermowell as it calculates solutions.
Engineers can review each step for how the thermowell was able to pass PTC criteria and
have a reference for updating their design if process conditions change. It’s true design, not just thermowell pass or fail.
Thermowell Design Accelerator is easy to use. The onscreen image dynamically updates as tag data is input and the onscreen helpfeature identifies potential calculation issues like
missing data or incorrect inputs. Plus, users get thermowell and matching sensor
specification model codes for a quick and easy way to review, collaborate, purchase and
share information with project teams.
Thermowell Design Accelerator is part of Emerson’s portfolio of engineering tools, designed
to help engineers quickly and confidently design solutions.It can be accessed anytime
online at and designs can be saved in the
MyEmerson personalized digital experience.



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