The DevOps Days Cairo 2024 conference officially kicked off today, organized by the Software Engineering Competence Center (SECC) under the Information Technology Industry Development Agency (ITIDA). The one-day event, themed “DevOps in the Era of Technology Evolution,” is taking place at the Nile Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Cairo. Attendees at the …
أكمل القراءة »Egyptian Qualifiers of Ludo Arab Cup conclude on high note
Egypt yesterday (Thursday) successfully concluded the Egyptian Qualifiers of Ludo Arab Cup at the Westin New Cairo Golf Resort. The high-profile tournament, organized by Yalla Ludo and Huawei AppGallery, brought together more than 32 players, vying for supremacy in one of the region’s most anticipated gaming showdowns. Supported by Egypt’s …
أكمل القراءة »إنطلاق الدورة الـ 27 من المعرض والمؤتمر الدولي للتكنولوجيا Cairo ICT..الأحد المقبل
تنطلق الدورة السابعة والعشرين من المعرض والمؤتمر الدولي للتكنولوجيا في الشرق الأوسط وإفريقيا Cairo ICT، خلال الفترة من 19 إلى 22 نوفمبر الجاري بمركز مصر للمعارض الدولية بالقاهرة الجديدة، وبمشاركة مئات الشركة المحلية والعالمية ومسؤولين من كبار قادة شركات التكنولوجيا العملاقة حول العالم. جاء ذلك بإعلان الأستاذ/ أسامة كمال، …
أكمل القراءة »B.TECH’s deel and FilKhedma Partner to Empower Local Retailers in Cairo
B.TECH’s deel and FilKhedma Partner to Empower Local Retailers in Cairo The new partnership provides maintenance and installation services through the deel app across Greater Cairo deel –B.TECH’s fast-growing omnichannel platform serving local electronics retailers and merchants– has partnered with FilKhedma, Egypt’s leading online home and office repair and maintenance …
أكمل القراءة »AlTamimi & Company Cairo participates in the Legal 500 GC Summit
, Al Tamimi & Co is pleased to announce their participation in the Legal 500 GC summit on Wednesday, the 19th of February 2020 atFour Seasons Hotel Nile Plaza. Organised by international legal publisher Legal 500 the event is bringing together General Counsels and Heads of Legal Teams in many …
أكمل القراءة »HMD Global – The Home of Nokia Phone cancels participation at MWC 2020 in Barcelona
HMD Global – the home of Nokia phones has taken the decision to withdraw from MWC 2020 Our key focus has been to safeguard the health and well-being of employees and other stakeholders Cairo, Egypt -HMD Global has been carefully monitoring the situation following the outbreak of Covid-19. After much …
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