Under the supervision and guidance of the Central Bank of Egypt:
Despite the Corona Virus Challenges: The Egyptian Banking
Institute excels in training and developing the capabilities
and competencies of banking professionals in Egypt and the
African continent
Nossier: EBI achieves a breakthrough in providing e-
learning and remote assessment services
The Egyptian Banking Institute (EBI), the official training
arm of the Central Bank of Egypt, announced its
achievements for the fiscal year 2019/2020, in addition to
its latest developments on both, local and international
levels, which resulted in several outstanding
accomplishments positioning the Institute as a pioneer in
learning and development across the region.
Mr. Abdel Aziz Nossier, Executive Director of the Egyptian
Banking Institute, expressed his delight at the Institute’s
journey in terms of development, growth and achievement
of sustainable success during the fiscal year 2019/2020.
During the period from July 2019 till February 2020 the
institute has delivered 2,426 training programs, to more
than 50,000 trainees, approximately 63,000 training hours,
in addition to providing assessment services to more than
20,000 beneficiaries.
“If we look at our latest accomplishments that were made
despite the Covid-19 pandemic, I am pleased to say that we
managed to maintain a level of commitment to our clients
by effectively providing all our training and evaluation
services via the Internet,” said Mr. Nossier. He added,
“During the period from March to June 2020, 41 trainees
have participated in 3 international programs, over 9000
trainees have been trained remotely and more than 4000
candidates in 9 banks have benefited from our remote
assessment services.”
And within the framework of its continuous development
plan, EBI completed the renewal of its branches with the
latest educational technologies to provide a service and
training environment that keeps pace with global
developments. Furthermore, EBI signed a cooperation
agreement with ECC – the authorized partner of SAP, for the
implementation of SAP Applications in addition to security
and infrastructure systems. This comes in line with the
Institute’s strategic objective of implementing digital
transformation for all its work flow and procedures.
EBI has also delivered 30 international programs in
partnership with 27 prestigious international providers
such as Harvard Business School, Fitch Learning, Ashridge,
New York Institute of Finance and Frankfurt School of
Finance and Management. 6 international study tours have
also been conducted to 8 countries where professionals
received more insight on the latest global developments in
the banking sector: United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates,
Hungary, Poland, China, Malaysia, Kenya and Singapore.
Furthermore, EBI signed cooperation agreements to
conduct two co-branded certifications; the “Corporate
Finance Credit Professional Certificate” in cooperation with
the New York Institute of Finance (NYIF) and the “SME
Certification Program; Certified Expert in SME Finance” in
cooperation with the Frankfurt School of Finance and
Management with the aim of providing banking
professionals solid understanding and intensive training in
the banking industry.
EBI has been keen in expanding its reach by providing
several collaborative learning and development courses
beyond Egypt. As such, the Institute launched the first
online round of its “African Future Leaders Program” with
the participation of 8 African countries. The objective of
this program is to develop and prepare African calibers to
hold leading positions in the African banking sector This
program comes in line with the Institute’s objective to
expand its activities heavily in African Countries to support
the human capital development in the African banking
sector. Two years ago, EBI has been successfully providing
its training programs and services to eight African
countries. Today, EBI is proud to have served 3,137
banking professionals across 43 African countries since its
establishment in 1991.
In the field of information technology, EBI cooperated with
the institute of Information Technology – Ministry of
Communications and Information Technology, where 8
training programs have been delivered to 116 trainees,
providing them with the latest trends in Data Science,
Machine Learning, Applied Fintech Technology and BlockChain.
As part of the Institute’s efforts to expand the provision of
its e-learning platform, which it started in 2018, EBI
partnered with several international vendors such as
Intuition which offers a large library for e-learning
solutions in the field of banking and financial sector. EBI
also signed an agreement with SANS Institute for offering a
security awareness program and became an authorized
official partner with Oracle University to provide their
training programs. Furthermore, EBI launched a digital
learning platform for individual learners powered by
international cooperation in the fields of Banking and
Finance, management & leadership, small & medium
enterprises and information technology courses in virtual
classroom modality.
In addition, Mr. Nossier highlighted that during this period,
EBI launched “EBI Talks” series through the Internet which
attracted more than one million views. EBI Talks is a series
of online interviews with eminent experts who share their
experiences and best practices to bankers and employees
of the financial sector. The first speaker in EBI Talks series
was Mr. Tarek Fayed, Chairman of Banque Du Caire while
Dr. Michael Tushman, Faculty Chair of the Advanced
Management Program at the Harvard Business School was
the speaker of the second episode and the third episode
was conducted with the participation of Mr. Dante
Campioni, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of
On the level of social responsibility, EBI launched a new
initiative under the name: “Basira”, that aims to improve
access to quality of life for people with disabilities. EBI
launched the first pillar of the initiative by providing access
to quality education for students living with blindness and
low-vision through an audio library.
Mr. Nossier added: “I once read this definition of “Luck”:
“Luck is what happens when preparation meets
opportunity” in that sense, I am a firm believer that we
were lucky this year”.
Mr. Nossier shared his aspirations for the future of EBI,
saying: “Certainly, the development of human capital in the
banking and financial sector in Egypt and the African
continent is our focus, and we will continue to devote
resources and provide the latest trends in line with
international standards under the continuous guidance and
support of the Central Bank of Egypt.”