Kaspersky Innovation Hub is seeking gamer startups

شربل : إن مجتمع مجرمي الإنترنت تطوّر من الناحيتين التقنية والتنظيمية

Kaspersky intends to develop services designed to provide security for game developers and gamers. Kaspersky Innovation Hub (Kaspersky iHub*) is starting a new round of selection for highly-specialized startups under the Open Innovation Program initiative. All teams and individual developers that create solutions combining information security and computer games are …

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What’s your edge

  Mohammed Amin, Senior Vice President – MERAT, at Dell Technologies       Edge computing has been garnering significant attentionand has already started making an impact on how organizations think about working with data, defying boundaries beyond the use of data centers. With the recent shifts to virtual operations …

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