أدلى الدكتور/ عمرو طلعت وزير الاتصالات وتكنولوجيا المعلومات بصوته فى الانتخابات الرئاسية ، فى مقر لجنته الانتخابية بالمدرسة المصرية اليابانية، بمدينة الشيخ زايد

MCIT, NEA Collaborate to Support 2024 Presidential Election


The Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT) is collaborating with the National Election Authority (NEA),

providing technical support for the national voting system at NEA in the 2024 presidential election.

MCIT offers technical support to the count voting system deployed on 400

laptops with secure telecommunication lines at polling stations.


The system facilitates a centralized, real-time consolidation of vote totals at NEA

data center, laying the groundwork for the final announcement of election results.

The collaboration between MCIT and NEA entails multiple facets.


MCIT deployed specialists to address all technical aspects crucial for the success of the election process.


This support began with September preparations and

extended through the actual operation of the system,

including issuing endorsements in notarization offices in October and

facilitating registration of Egyptian expatriates to vote.


Presently, preparations are in progress to consolidate and report vote results from polling places in Egypt.

In a coordinated effort between MCIT and NEA, approximately 800 national ID e-

readers and printers were distributed to notarization offices nationwide to use in

endorsement registration. Data is collected and consolidated at NEA data center.

MCIT extended comprehensive technical support for the operation of election

systems in overseas voter registration at 137 embassies

and consulates across 121 countries.


Specialist teams from the Ministry were deployed to the polling stations

experiencing high voter turnout, ensuring a stable and efficient registration process.


Additionally, the Ministry supplied about 270 national ID and passport e-readers and 137 computers.

Data was consolidated and reported at NEA data center to prevent duplicate registrations.

Live audio and video streaming was seamlessly facilitated between NEA

executive director and ambassadors stationed at polling locations outside Egypt.


The voting process was broadcast in real-time on screens at the NEA operation room in Cairo.


In addition, digital applications and technological tools were used,

providing a comprehensive view of all activities within polling locations and

facilitating communication with poll managers, both domestically and internationally.

It is noteworthy that in August, Egypt Post signed a collaboration agreement

with NEA to streamline the transfer of electoral

necessities from the Authority’s premises in Cairo to governorates.


This partnership leverages Egypt Post’s significant capabilities,

including a robust infrastructure and nationwide availability of post offices.

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