أرشيف الوسم : cybersecurity

Cybersecurity, AI Courses on Mahara-Tech

معهد تكنولوجيا المعلومات يعلن عن مبادرة "وظيفة تك"

  Mahara-Tech platform of the Information Technology Institute (ITI) provides several free online training courses offered via Cybersecurity Academy and AI Academy. Cybersecurity Academy consists of Cybersecurity Academy for Juniors, which aims to raise youngsters’ awareness about cybersecurity through a wide range of educational stories, videos, and games to help …

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28% of IT security managers in the META regionmissed important family dates because of data breaches


The latest Kaspersky report,“Taking care of corporate security and employee privacy: why cyber-protection is vital for both businesses and their staff”,highlights the ‘human side’ of cybersecurity incidents – examining the discomfort and losses employees face because following breaches. According to the report, around a third ofemployees (27%) in the META …

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PacificLightconducts Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity Assessment to futureproof IT and ICS defenses

As part of its adoption and implementation of the Cybersecurity Act, which maintains national cybersecurity in Singapore and protectsorganizations against online attacks, PacificLight has recently conducted a comprehensive vulnerability assessment of its critical networks with global cybersecurity company Kaspersky. This step aims to ensure the continuity and sustainability of operations …

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Investing in cyber resilience is key to succeed in the age of digital transformation

Michel Nader, Sr. Regional Director – Data Protection Solutions – MERAT, Dell Technologies       In today’s always-on, always-connected economy, businesses are under pressure to enhance their cybersecurity strategy and prove to their customers that data protection is critical to their customer engagement strategy. Furthermore, as the world economy …

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