
The Egyptian Banking Institute launched the second episode of the EBI Talks series with a participation from Harvard Business School

Abdel Aziz Nossier: “EBI Talks” is a new addition to EBI’s online services



The Egyptian Banking Institute EBI, the training arm of the Central Bank of Egypt, launched

its second episode of “EBI Talks” moderated by Mr. AbdelAziz Nossier the Executive

Director of the Egyptian Banking Institute with the participation of Dr. Michael Tushman,

Faculty Chair of the Advanced Management Program at the Harvard Business School.


Dr. Tushman spoke of decision-making and developing strategies in times of crisis such as

the current pandemic and the aftermath of the Coronavirus spread. He also shared views

on the steps that banking and financial institutions must take to increase their capacity for

fast learning and training.


Dr. Tushman also pointed out it is an opportune time for innovation, investors’ appetite and

to lead change. He stressed the importance of banking institutions in taking charge of finding innovative solutions to offer customers in times of crisis, before their competitors



“EBI Talks” series have been launched  through the Internet  with distinguished experts

to share their experiences with the bankers and the employees of the financial sector. The

first speaker in EBI Talks series was Mr. Tarek Fayed, Chairman of Banque Du Caire.

It is worth mentioning the EBI was planning to launch EBI Talks before the Coronavirus

spread as business events with maximum 500 participants per event, however; due to the

current situation EBI decided to launch it through its social media channels which allowed

hundreds of thousands of individuals to benefit from these episodes anytime anywhere, not

only from Egypt but also from Africa and around the globe. The number of view to both

episodes exceeded 930,000 views.


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