H.E. President AbdelFattah El Sisi inaugurates Al Mahsamma plant in Ismalia Governorate, the world’s biggest agricultural drainage treatment, recycling and reuse plant developed by Metito-Hassan Allam joint venture.

Al Mahsamma project is a milestone in Egypt’s water security agenda and represents a qualitative leap in the field of agricultural wastewater treatment across Africa. The 1 million m3/day state-of-the-art mega national project inaugurated today will contribute to the cultivation of 70.000 acres in Sinai. Al Mahsamma is part of …

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Kaspersky delivers tool for protecting remote workforces and highlightingshadow IT

MS Office تحتل أعلى نسبة من محاولات إستغلال الثغرات الأمنية على امتداد مختلف المنصات

The new edition of Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud gives businesses more visibility over shadow IT. With the new cloud discovery feature, an IT administrator can safeguard compliance to corporate security policies by controllingthe unauthorized use of potentially unsecure applications and sites by employees. The control over cloud services helps organizationsminimize …

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F5 Networks champions the Middle East and Egypt’s digital transformation trajectory and ability to adapt to unprecedented change

Application delivery specialist emphasises importance of tech-driven solutions and “Human first” approachduring COVID-19 F5 Networks today emphasised the importance of digital transformation as Egypt and the Middle East region continues to adapt to unprecedented change. Speaking at a virtual press conference hosted in Riyadh, Mamduh Allam, F5’s Regional Director for …

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Kaspersky shares 10 tips for Zoom security and privacy

كاسبرسكي تكتشف اختراق المنفذ الخلفي 24 مؤسسة ومنظمة في أوروبا والشرق الأوسط 

  With social distancing and quarantine measures implemented around the globe, people quickly started searching for effective means of communicating with each other. With its reported ease of use and attractive pricing, Zoom quickly rose in popularity. With so much use, Zoom’s flaws came rapidly to light. The company handled …

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365 Ecology, provides free filtration maintenance to precaution against the spread of the covid-19 virus

In light of the current circumstances and the spread of Covid-19 (Coronavirus) across the globe, 365 Ecology, a leader in providing integrated energy efficient solutions and smart technologies, precautions the public on the importance of regular maintenance of indoor filtration systems and its link with wellbeing. As a responsible corporate …

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Vermont Telephone Company and Ericsson Mobilize Quickly to Provide Rutland City Public Schools with Free Internet

Vermont Telephone Company (VTel) and Ericsson aid students affected by school closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic with access to free high-speed wireless Internet and Google Chromebooks.      Students affected by school closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic now have access to free high-speed wireless Internet and Google Chromebooks, …

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